Take 6 minutes to remind your Mom how much she means to you.

All you have to do is up load pictures that tell your mom how she makes: a hug warm, a vacation fun, an event special, a holiday perfect, a meal wonderful and a smile bigger.

It takes about six minutes to create a 6 picture Wall Pepper photo mural at http://www.pepperyourplace.com – so what are you waiting for?

Wall Pepper makes a GREAT GIFT.

Wall Pepper makes a GREAT GIFT.

We can’t say it any better than this e-mail that we got from a recent recipient of a Wall Pepper gift:

I got this awesome tube in the mail and it had the best gift ever in
it … Thank you so much. I love it. I carried it around with me the
night I got it and showed everyone who I chatted with. We happened to
have a staff social that night so several people have now seen my
family! And it is hanging on my wall so I see it every day when I wake
up and go to bed. It is perfect. Thank you so much. It really means a lot.



Telling Stories With Photos

The sequence of photos in a Wall Pepper, make it a great way to tell a story.  The following article by Darren Rowse helps offer insight for photo story telling.

“Of course the gift of story telling is something that doesn’t just happen – good story tellers are intentional about learning how to tell stories and practice their craft. Following are a few tips for photographic story tellers.”

via Telling Stories With Photos.

Darren Rowse, founder of Digital Photography School, Melbourne, Australia.



We keep looking for ways to tell people how easy it is to make a Wall Pepper. Our artist, Kelly, recently put together this slide that helps illustrate the Wall Pepper Process…

Click your Pictures

Pick your Design

Stick your Wall Pepper

We liked it so much we posted it on our web site.